东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司坐落于东莞市樟木头塑胶城,销售PP/PVC/ABS等通用塑胶;LCP/PA46/PA6/PA66/PBT/PC/ PC/ABS /PEI/PET/PMMA/POM/PPA/PPE/PPO/PPS等工程塑胶;POE/TPE/TPEE/TPU/TPV等热塑弹性体塑胶原料;品种齐全,价格合理,品质**!本公司自2014年成立以来,一直秉承“诚信经营,顾客至上” 的经营理念,竭尽全力为顾客提供的服务,产品销售涉及电子、家用电器、器械、汽车配件、航空等领域;公司在塑胶原料行业享有良好的信誉;一致赢得全国各地广大客户的**;本公司坚决杜绝做损害客户利益的经营行为,并以“客户的一份满意,我们的不遗余力”为公司的服务政策,我们始终坚持“为客户提品,良好的技术支持,健全的售后服务 ”为宗旨。我们拥有的协助解决客户的生产技术问题,为你的产品品质保驾**;完善的售前和售后服务,为你解决后顾之忧!晶宏塑胶竭诚服务于每一位客户,真诚期待与你合作,共创发展,共赢未来。
PC -- Japan's Mitsu Kosan was founded on March 30, 1940. Its main business items include: petrochemical industry, exploration and development of petroleum and other mineral resources, manufacture of products, agricultural drugs, chemicals, warehousing and shipping. It is a petrochemical enterprise in Japan. Among them, the institutions related to R & D include research institutes, business research institutes and petroleum technology centers.
The wide application of PC:
1. Automobile industry: bumper, distributor, safety glass, etc;
2. Glass assembly industry: door and window glass, protective window, industrial safety baffle and bulletproof glass;
3. Various signs: gasoline pump dial, automobile dashboard, outdoor commercial signs, sliding indicator, etc;
4. Electronic and electrical: CD, switch, housing, ** tube, capacitor, telephone , telephone exchanger, ** relay and parts, etc;
5. Mechanical equipment: all kinds of gear, rack, worm gear, worm, bearing, cam, bolt, lever, crankshaft, ratchet, machinery , cover and frame, etc;
6. Industrial parts: camera body, machine , safety helmet, diving mirror, safety lens, etc;
7. High precision parts: electronic computer, video recorder, etc;
8. It can also be used as medical equipment, such as artificial organs, medical bottles, and medical equipment;
9. Other aspects: it is used as double wall panel with hollow ribs and greenhouse glass; textile industry is used for textile yarn tube and bearing bush of textile machine; in daily use, it is used as milk bottle, tableware, toy, model, insulation connector, coil frame, pipe socket, insulating sleeve, battery case of miner's lamp, insulating leather bag, audio tape, color video tape, etc.
PC grade classification: Antistatic PC, conductive PC, fiber reinforced fireproof PC, UV resistant and weather resistant PC, food grade PC, tranrent PC, translucent PC, light diffusion PC, bottle blowing PC, high temperature resistant PC, anti UV PC, general PC, weather resistant PC, cold resistant PC, toughened PC, optical PC, fireproof PC, flame retardant PC.
PC等级分类:防静电PC,导电PC,加纤防火PC,抗紫外线耐候PC,食品级PC,透明PC,半透明PC,光扩散PC, 吹瓶级PC,耐高温PC,抗(UV)PC通用级PC,耐候级PC,耐寒级PC,增韧级PC,光学级PC,防火级PC,阻燃级PC。
欢迎来到东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省东莞市樟木头镇百顺小区三巷5号,老板是蒋珂。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。