LG LUPOY PC是一种非晶态工程热塑性塑料,具有类似于玻璃的透光性。它具有优良的机械性能、高耐热性、高透明度、高冲击强度和尺寸稳定性。LG LUPOY PC还具有出色的耐候性,可用于食品应用。
The development trend of PC resin alloying: at present, the application of polycarbonate in the world has developed to the direction of high function and chemical, that is, the development direction of polycarbonate resin is alloying, high function, chemical and seriation. According to the prediction of relevant experts, in the future, the rapidly growing domestic demand for polycarbonate will be polycarbonate co mixed gold composite materials, among which the automobile industry will be the main pulling force. Polycarbonate has become a fast-growing variety of engineering plastics in China, thanks to the rapid growth of PC / ABS alloy.
In the field of chemistry and energy, LG Group focuses on the petrochemical industry that LOH hi (now LG Chemical) has focused on since 1983. It has continuously deepened and developed the existing fields such as plastics, daily necessities, precision chemistry, etc., and has re entered the industry to expand the synthetic industry. At the same time, it has entered the product business field and realized the diversification of the business field We have entered the ranks of multinational enterprises.
LG Chemical entered China in 1982 and established 16 manufacturing enterprises and 1 Technical Center in Ningbo, Tianjin and other places. In 2004, LG Chemical established its regional headquarters in Beijing.
As one of the top ten chemical enterprises in the world, LG Chemical has been in China for nearly 40 years. The chemical sector including battery industry is growing rapidly and will maintain a growth rate of more than 10% in the next five years. It is estimated that the sales volume of LG Chemical will reach 52 billion US dollars in 2024. Among them, the Chinese market occupies an important share of 40%.
In 1962, LG Group established Korea cable industry (now LG cable), expanding the field of electrical and electronic industry. In 1967, LG Group established Hunan oil refining (now GS Caltex), the first private oil refinery in South Korea, and entered the field of basic raw material industry, laying a foundation for its march into heavy chemical industry. In addition, Rohi chemical (now LG Chemical) produced the earliest synthetic detergent "Haitai" in Korea in 1964, and also produced kitchen detergent and liquid shampoo "shampoo" in 1967
欢迎来到东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省东莞市樟木头镇百顺小区三巷5号,老板是蒋珂。
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