工艺参数 数值 工艺参数 数值
料筒温度 - - 模头接套温度/℃ 260-270
前部 260-270 机头温度/℃ 250-270
中部 250-270 模头温度/℃ 255-270
后部 240-270 模具温度/℃ 50-90
Application and development of PC resin: in the 1970s, PC was mostly used as electrical and electronic parts such as connectors and switches. In the first half of 1980s, its application extended to precision machinery (cameras, clocks), electric tools and optical machinery, becoming the development period of PC. In the latter half of 1980s, the application of PC was further expanded to office equipment, automobile and CD, and the demand for PC became the second development period. After entering the 1990s, the speed of economic influence slowed down, but there was still a growth rate of 10% - 15% between 1992 and 1994. The reason why PC has a large market capacity is that it has a relatively comprehensive balance of performance - excellent impact resistance, heat resistance, dimensional stability, transparency and self extinguishing, etc., so it has become a widely used engineering plastics in the fields of electrical, electronic, precision machinery, automobile, security, etc.
PC玻纤增强级物性:密度1.27-1.63kg/cm3 硬度M65-M75 ,吸水率0.08-0.15%, 成型收缩率0.1-0.4%; 熔融指数(300℃,12KG)1.7-40; 简支梁冲击强度(缺口)6-17; 弯曲强度(Mpa)120-210; 热变形温度 (1.8Mpa)140-150℃
The main characteristics of PC: rigid and tough, high impact resistance, high dimensional stability and wide range of use temperature, good electrical insulation and heat resistance and non-toxic. The PC has excellent performance and good light transmission ability, and its transmittance is close to 90%
关于PC合金的研究与开发日新月异,还有多种PC合金不断被开发并推向市场 ,尤其是聚酯共混改性PC,如PET/PCL(由乙二醇、低分子量聚己内酯和对苯二甲酸共聚而成的多嵌段共聚酯)与PC共混改性;由环已烷二甲醇、乙二醇和对苯二甲酸制的聚酯与PC共混改性,可以明显提高PC弯曲弹性模量、拉伸强度等;聚己内酯以玻璃纤维作为增强材料,用酯交换催化剂促进聚己内酯与PC进行共混改性,可以得到加工性能好、高刚性的透明材料;聚酯改性PC,可以明显改善PC的透明性和耐黄变性能,可以用作光盘材料;液晶聚酯改性PC,可以用来改善PC的熔融加工性能和力学性能。
欢迎来到东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省东莞市樟木头镇百顺小区三巷5号,老板是蒋珂。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。