Founded in 1802 A company in the United States is a scientific research company. With its own innovative products, raw materials and services, it has demonstrated international level scientific research and engineering project capability for the world's sales market, and helped to solve various international challenges, including providing sufficient and healthy food for people all over the world and reducing dependence on non renewable resources, And its maintenance of life and the natural environment, so that people all over the world and all over the country have a happier, safer and healthier daily life. DuPont's business process covers more than 90 countries and regions all over the world, involving agriculture, animal husbandry and food, housing and engineering construction, communication and transportation, power, energy and microbial application of high technology and many other industries with common product innovation and service projects
The development of PA66: in the te 1940s, Dopont company in the United States realized the industrial production of PA66. At present, there are more than 20 kinds of nylon resins in the world aording to their structures, with more than 800 brand numbers. The product ne is determined by the number of carbon atoms in the repeating unit of nylon macromolecule. The general formu can be written as nylon or Pa. There are PA6, PA66, PA11, PA12, PA610, pa612, PA1010, PA46, PA6T, PA9T, etc. ong them, PA6 and PA66 are the main varieties, aounting for about 92% of the total ount of PA engineering pstics.
PA66加工模具温度:建议 80℃。模具温度将影响结晶度,而结晶度将影响产品的物理特。对于 薄壁塑件,如果使用低于 40℃ 的模具温度,则塑件的结晶度将随着时间而变化,为了保持 塑件的几何稳定,需要进行退火处理。
Zytel® PA66/6应用运动用品使用的塑料:
头盔制造商 DXL-Protion 选择杜邦™ Zytel®尼龙树脂的原因是它的高耐受、刚和韧。 这款**韧尼龙采用了 33% 的玻璃纤维进行强化。 采用 Zytel® 制造的四个头盔零件分别是外壳、头部周围的 C 形“扣带”和两个侧外壳。 获得**的四部件设计使这种头盔比传统的单部件头盔更适合头部。
PA66加工的流道和浇口:由于 PA66 的凝固时间很短,因此浇口的位置非常重要。浇口孔径不要小于 0.5*t(这里 t 为塑件厚度)。如果使用热流道,浇口尺寸应比使用常规流道小一些, 因为热流道能够帮助阻止材料过早凝固。如果用潜入式浇口,浇口的小直径应当是0.75。
Reted Description: we guarantee the quality of the raw materials, and we also provide technical support within the scope of business! In the ce of the vast number of new and old customers, we do our best to serve you with the best service attitude and the best price adtage. Our ultimate goal is that your satisction is my suess. Welcome to inquire and discuss: contact person of sales department Jiang R
欢迎来到东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省东莞市樟木头镇百顺小区三巷5号,老板是蒋珂。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。