创立于 1802 年的美国的一家公司是一家科学研究公司,凭着自主创新的商品、原材料和服务项目,为全世界销售市场出示国际级的科学研究和工程项目工作能力,帮助解决各种各样国际性挑戰,包含为全世界全国各地的大家出示充裕健康的食物、降低对**资源的依靠,及其维护性命与自然环境,让全世界全国各地的大家日常生活得更幸福、更安全性和更健康。杜邦公司的业务流程遍布全世界90好几个国家和地区,以普遍的产品创新和服务项目涉及到农牧业与食品类、房屋与工程建筑、通信和交通出行、电力能源与微生物运用高新科技等诸多行业
PA66 processing mold temperature: recoended 80 ℃. Mold temperature will aff the crystallinity, which will aff the physical properties of the product. For thin-walled pstic parts, if the mold temperature is lower than 40 ℃, the crystallinity of the pstic parts will change with time. In order to maintain the geometric stability of the pstic parts, annealing treatment is needed.
Zytel® PA66/6应用运动用品使用的塑料:
头盔制造商 DXL-Protion 选择杜邦™ Zytel®尼龙树脂的原因是它的高耐受、刚和韧。 这款**韧尼龙采用了 33% 的玻璃纤维进行强化。 采用 Zytel® 制造的四个头盔零件分别是外壳、头部周围的 C 形“扣带”和两个侧外壳。 获得**的四部件设计使这种头盔比传统的单部件头盔更适合头部。
Introduction to PA66: nylon (nylon), Chinese ne polyide, English ne polyide (PA), is the general ne of thermopstic resin containing repeating ide group - [nhco] - on the main chain. Its ne is determined by the specific number of carbon atoms in the synthetic monomer. It was invented by the fous chemist Carlos of DuPont company, the rgest chemical industry company in the United States, and his research te. Nylon PA66; polyhexanediine; polyide 66, abbreviated as nylon 66. CAS No.: 32131-17-2 nylon PA66 has the highest mechanical strength and the most widely used variety in PA series. Because of its high crystallinity, it has high rigidity and heat resistance
为了提高 PA66 的机械特,经常加入各种各样的改剂。玻璃就是常见的添加剂,有时为了提高抗冲击还 加入合成橡胶,如 EPDM 和 SBR 等。
In order to improve the mechanical properties of PA66, various modifiers are often added. Gss is the most coon additive, and sometimes synthetic rubber, such as EPDM and SBR, is added to improve the impact resistance.
Application fields of PA66:
1. It is widely used in machinery, instrumentation, automobile parts, elronic and elrical, railway, household appliances, counication, textile machinery, sports leisure goods, oil pipe, oil tank and some precision engineering products.
2. Elrical and elronic equipment: connor, reel, timer, cover circuit breaker, switch housing base
Automobile: radiator n, door handle, fuel tank cover, air intake grille, water tank cover, lp holder
3. Industrial parts: chair seat, bicycle fre, skate base, textile shuttle, pedal, slide conveyor
欢迎来到东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省东莞市樟木头镇百顺小区三巷5号,老板是蒋珂。
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