The main business of Taihua plastics division is polystyrene (PS), ABS, ASA, San (styrene acrylic co polymer), polypropylene (PP), polycarbonate (PC) and so on Due to the active market expansion and the completion of the upstream raw material plants of Liuqing, the manufacturing and sales of PC / ABS and other comite adhesives have formed a strong integration between upstream and downstream. Looking forward to the future, the marketing of our products is expected to continue to grow. We hope that the company's products can provide reliable quality, stable material source and reasonable price of high-quality raw materials and technical support for China's plastic downstream processing industry, and jointly improve the overall situation To strive for the competitiveness of the industry.
PP虽然比回收PE有较高的机械强度和模量,但是像新PP树脂一样,回收PP的耐冲击性能尤其是耐应力开裂性能差,且低温性能差。这些性能特征是由PP聚集态结构和大分子链构造决定的,因此可用聚乙烯进行改性。回收PE(LDPE、HDPE)与收PP制共混物时,如果PP回收料比较多,可以直接制备合金,如在PP 中掺人10%一25%HDPE,其改性后的共混物在—20℃时落球冲击强度比PP提高8倍以上,而且加工流动性增加,可适用于大型容器的成型。从结构上来说PE的加入破坏了PP的结晶如大球晶碎化,也降低了PP的结晶度;若在体系中再加入EPDM。约5%可提高PP与PE的相容性,强度得到提高;加入少量EPR橡胶也可提高材料的冲击性能。
PP分子中存在叔碳原子,在光和热的作用下较易断裂降解。未加稳定剂的PP在150℃下被加热半小时以上,或在阳光充足的地方曝晒12天就会明显变脆。未加稳定剂的PP 粉料在室内避光放置4 个月也会严重降解,散发出明显的酸味。在PP粉料造粒之前加入0.2%以上的抗氧剂可以有效地防止PP 在加工和使用过程中的降解老化。抗氧剂分为游离基链反应终止剂(也称主抗氧剂)和过氧化物分解剂(也称辅抗氧剂)两大类,主、辅两类抗氧剂的合理配合,将会发挥良好的协同效果。PP在离开口模后,如果是在空气中缓慢冷却,就会生成较大的晶粒,制品透明度低
The tensile strength and rigidity of PP are good, but the impact strength is poor, especially at low temperature. In addition, if there is orientation or stress in the molding process, the impact strength will be significantly reduced. Although the impact strength is poor, its mechanical properties can compete with high cost engineering plastics in many fields after filling or strengthening. The surface hardness of PP is lower than that of PE. When the crystallinity is high, the hardness also increases, but it is still lower than PVC, PS, ABS and so on. Among the five general plastics, PP has the best heat resistance. PP plastic products can work at 100 ℃ for a long time. Without external force, PP products will not deform when heated to 150 ℃
台化PP樹脂(TIRIPRO® PP Resin)採用日本CHISSO氣相製程法,以新一代高活性觸媒,及嚴密之品質管理系統,年產達51萬公噸。可生產單聚物( HOMOPOLYMER),共聚物( RANDOM及IMPACT COPOLYMER),供應射出、押出、纖維、吹氣、真空成型等加工業者,廣泛運用於家電、汽車零配件、食品包裝、玩具及民生用品。
欢迎来到东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省东莞市樟木头镇百顺小区三巷5号,老板是蒋珂。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。