FG172是一种聚酰胺66(尼龙66)产品,含有的填充物为玻璃纤维增强材料。 它,在北美洲、非洲和中东、欧洲或亚太地区有供货。 典型应用领域为:电气/电子应用。
Flame Retardant
Impact performance - unit system test method after drying and adjustment
Notched impact strength of simply supported beam: 7.0 11 kJ / M? ISO 179
Notchless impact strength of simply supported beam 64.62 kJ / M? ISO 179
Notched impact strength of cantilever beam is 75.92 J / m, ASTM D256
Unit system test methods for thermal performance, drying and conditioning
Thermal deformation temperature under load
0.45 MPa, UN annealed at 255 - - C ASTM D648
0.45 MPa, UN annealed 256 - - C ISO 75-2 / b
1.8 MPa, UN annealed 248 - - C ASTM D648
1.8 MPa, UN annealed at 240 - - C ISO 75-2 / A
Linear coefficient of thermal expansion - flow 3.0e-5 -- cm / cm / ° C ASTM d696
Unit system test method for electrical performance after drying and adjustment
Surface resistivity 1.0e + 14 -- ohms ASTM D257, IEC 60093
Volume resistivity
--1.0E+15--ohms·cmASTM D257
23°C1.0E+15--ohms·cmIEC 60093
Dielectric strength: 28 -- kV / mm, ASTM d149, IEC 60243-1
Leakage tracking index (3.00 mm) 250 -- V IEC 60112
Unit system test method for flammability, drying and adjustment
UL flame retardant grade (0.750 mm) V-0 -- UL 94
Flammability index of glow wire (3.00 mm) 960 - - C IEC 60695-2-12
Limiting oxygen index 37 --% ASTM D2863
玻璃纤维增强PA 的成型工艺与未增强时大致相同,但因流动较增强前差,所以注射压力和注射速度要适当提高,机筒温度提高10-40℃。由于玻纤在注塑过程中会沿流动方向取向,引起力学性能和收缩率在取向方向上增强,导致制品变形翘曲,因此,模具设计时,浇口的位置、形状要合理,工艺上可以提高模具的温度,制品取出后放入热水中让其缓慢冷却