巴斯夫股份公司(BASF SE),缩写BASF是由以前的全名「Badische Anilin-und-Soda-Fabrik」(巴登苯胺苏打厂)而来,是一家德国的化工企业,也是世界的化工厂。
BASF se (BASF SE), abbreviated BASF from the former full name "Badische anilin und soda factory", is a German chemical enterprise and one of the largest chemical plants in the world.
PBT品种繁多,除非增强的普通品级外,还有阻燃型、玻纤增强型、玻纤增强阻燃型、共混合品级等。而共混合金产品又可以分别与聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(Pl、T)、聚碳酸酯、尼龙、聚苯醚等共混成聚合物合金。日本三菱工程塑料公司开发成功P盯流延级产品及吹塑级树脂“诺瓦杜莱”(№vadl啪n),其牌号分别为5020s(均聚密度1.31 g/cm3、熔点224℃)、5505S(软性)、5510S(**软、密度1.29 g/cm3、熔点219℃)。P盯以往主要用于电器的连结件、外壳等注塑制品,新开发的流延及吹塑级树脂具有高结晶性、高流动性、较好的耐热性、易于多层共挤等优点。用其制成的薄膜具有高强度、高耐热、高透明、高光泽、耐磨、耐酸、耐潮、保香等特性
PBT is a unique semi crystalline high-density PBT engineering material. It combines the inherent characteristics of PBT and the advantages of high-grade mineral reinforcement. This combination can balance the mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of PBT. It has a wide range of chemical resistance, low water absorption and dimensional stability. The solid material has the characteristics of smooth, satin decoration and weight, which is similar to the appearance and high-quality handle of ceramics. At the same time, it also has the characteristics of engineering thermoplastic: flexible design, easy injection molding, recyclable. Several basic colors can be obtained after PBT resin is filled with mineral and glass fiber. The special design and product appearance can be obtained by adding special pigment
PBT加工工艺:PBT快的充填速度,一般会使流程加长,适合填充薄壁型材,并形成叫好的表面光洁度.PBT对于厚壁制品,慢速充填有助于减少空隙.PBT当使用窄浇口时,壁厚段的充填速度应减低,以帮助保压.PBT对于小浇口(针尖形浇口)的制件,建议采用程序,开始时可使用较慢的速度,一减少剪切,漩纹和物料的烧焦.PBT 通常我们建议PBT采用中高速的速度,以便提高表面光光泽度和提高接合线强度.量:建议量为机器容量的35%~85%,对于颜色控制严格的混合牌号,PBT建议量尽可能接近机器容量的63%,以减少滞留时间