Hanhuadar Petrochemical has three major businesses: polymer production (polyethylene, polypropylene, high and low density polyethylene), basic chemicals (companies selling ethylene and propylene, which are used to manufacture synthetic fiber materials, aromatics) and petroleum products (injection, diesel oil).
PP 的表面硬度在五类通用塑料中属低等,仅比PE 好一些。当结晶度较高时,硬度也相应增加一些,但仍不及PVC、PS、ABS 等。热性质在五大通用塑料中,PP 的耐热性是。PP 塑料制品可在100℃下长时间工作,在无外力作用时,PP制品被加热至150℃时也不会变形。在使用成核剂改善PP 的结晶状态后,其耐热性还可进一步提高,甚至可以用于制作在微波炉中加热食品的器皿。
The density of PP is only 0.90-0.91g/cm3, which is about 60% of PVC density. This means that more products of the same volume can be produced with the same weight of raw materials. The tensile strength and rigidity of PP are good, but the impact strength is poor, especially at low temperature. In addition, if there is orientation or stress in the molding process, the impact strength will be significantly reduced. Although the impact strength is poor, its mechanical properties can compete with high cost engineering plastics in many fields after filling or strengthening.
在共混改性中必须注意不同聚合物之间的相容性,在相容性较差的两种聚合物共混时,往往需要加入分别和两种聚合物相容性都好的*三组分,称之为相容剂。PP的介电强度很高,且随温度上升而。这些都是在湿、热环境下对电气绝缘材料有利的。另一方面PP 的表面电阻很高,在一些场合使用必须先进行抗静电处理。PP在工业领域和生活消费领域的应用必将得到更为迅猛的发展.PP在我国的销量已一个月大约70万吨左右,目前中国是世界上用量的消费国,随着生活的多姿多彩PP产品越来越多,让消费者感受到科学的优越性。
PP products are light in weight, good in toughness and good in chemical resistance. Disadvantages of PP: low dimensional accuracy, lack of rigidity, poor weather resistance, easy to produce copper damage, it has t shrinkage phenomenon, easy to aging, brittle, easy to deformation after demoulding. In daily life, the commonly used fresh-kee box is made of PP material. In order to prevent photoaging, it is necessary to add UV absorber into PP, which can transform the UV absorption of 290 ~ 400nm into non destructive long wavelength light. For the PP plastic products buried in the soil or used indoors in the dark, only the main and auxiliary antioxidants can be added, and the ultraviolet absorber is not needed. The shrinkage and crystallinity of PP are lower than that of PE.