销售PEI 基础创新塑料(美国),渠道、团队、服务,晶宏塑胶,品质值得你信赖的供应商,诚信、品质、服务;是我们的经营理念,客户的一份满意,我们的不遗余力;是我们的服务政策,为客户提品,良好的技术支持,健全的售后服务 ;是我们的服务宗旨,晶宏塑胶竭诚服务于每一位客户,真诚期待与你合作,共创发展,共赢未来。
注塑 未增强型 标准 1000,1000F,1000P,1000R
易流动性 1010,1010F,1000R
加颜料的树脂 1100,1100F,1100R ,1110,1110F
中等耐热性 1285,LTX300A,LTX300B
增强型 玻璃纤维增强型 2100,2100N,2100R,2110,2110N,2110R,2200,2200R,2210,2210R,2300,2300N,2300R
研磨玻璃纤维增强型 2212,2212R,2312,2313
玻璃纤维/矿物增强型 3451,3452
碳纤维增强型 7201,7801
耐磨性 未增强型 4001
增强型 4000,4211
抗冲击性变化 HTX1010F,HTX1050F,HTX2000F,HTX2001F
耐化学剂性未增强型 CRS5001,CRS5011,CRS5011F,CRS5011R
增强型 CRS5111,CRS5112,CRS5711,CRS5201,CRS5201R,CRS5211,CRS5211R ,CRS5301 ,CRS5311
航空树脂 未增强型 9075,9076
增强型 AR9100,AR9200,AR9300
混合级 PEI/PCE 混合 ATX100,ATX100F,ATX100R,ATX200,ATX200F,ATX200R
PEI/PPO 混合 MD133
挤塑 航空树脂 8015,D9065
Pei has strong high temperature stability, even if it is non reinforced Pei, it still has good toughness and strength. Therefore, Pei can be used to make high temperature heat-resistant devices. Pei also has good flame retardant, chemical resistance and electrical insulation properties. The glass transition temperature is very high, up to 215 ℃. Pei also has low shrinkage and good isotropic mechanical properties. Adding glass fiber, carbon fiber or other fillers can achieve the pure of reinforcement and modification; it can also form heat-resistant polymer alloy with other engineering plastics, which can be used for a long time under the working temperature of - 160 ~ 180 ℃. UL stipulates that the long-term service temperature of polyetherimide resin is 338t and 356t. According to the grade, the combustion grade reaches ul94v-010 mil thickness. The oxygen index is 47, and Pei meets the FAA flame retardant and heat release material standards for aircraft internals. It has a glass transition temperature of 419f and allows intermittent use at 392f, resulting in short-term excursion at higher temperatures.
Ordering instructions:
1. Our company purchases goods through regular channels and can issue VAT invoice.
2. The customer shall be responsible for the defects of finished products caused by the processing of this batch of materials.
3. If there is any discrepancy between the quantity, price and quality ordered by customers, please contact our sales department in time.
4. The goods will be delivered within 24 hours after receiving your purchase order, and the goods can be delivered within 3 days outside Guangdong Province.
欢迎来到东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省东莞市樟木头镇百顺小区三巷5号,老板是蒋珂。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。