Diren Co., Ltd. is a famous multinational company in Japan and one of the giants in Japan's chemical fiber and textile industry. Since 1993, Diren Co., Ltd. has invested in Nantong Economic and Technological Development Zone, and successively established Nantong Diren company, first synthetic fiber company, Diren processing silk company and Diren automobile cloth processing company, with a total investment of 13.9 billion yen and a registered capital of more than 5 billion yen.
Application and development of PC resin: in the 1970s, PC was mostly used as electrical and electronic parts such as connectors and switches. In the first half of 1980s, its application extended to precision machinery (cameras, clocks), electric tools and optical machinery, becoming the development period of PC. In the latter half of 1980s, the application of PC was further expanded to office equipment, automobile and CD, and the demand for PC became the second development period. After entering the 1990s, the speed of economic influence slowed down, but there was still a growth rate of 10% - 15% between 1992 and 1994. The reason why PC has a large market capacity is that it has a relatively comprehensive balance of performance - excellent impact resistance, heat resistance, dimensional stability, transparency and self extinguishing, etc., so it has become a widely used engineering plastics in the fields of electrical, electronic, precision machinery, automobile, security, etc.
PC的物料性能 冲击强度高,尺寸稳定性好,无色透明,着色性好,电绝缘性、耐腐蚀性、耐磨性好,但自润滑性差,有应力开裂倾向,高温易水解,与其它树脂相溶性差。 适于制作仪表小零件、绝缘透明件和耐冲击零件
PC是上世纪60年代发展起来的工程塑料,目前**主要厂家有德国拜耳的Makrolon PC、美国SABIC的Lexan PC、日本出光Tarflon PC、日本三菱的Iupilon PC、日本帝人的Panlite PC,日本住友化学 PC,韩国LG PC,荷兰 PC,等。但是国内自主PC产能一直较小,如宁波大风,山东鲁西化工,中石化三菱化学等,目前国内的主要为中外合资建设,如拜耳与上海华谊集团在上海化工园区投资生产线,日本帝人在浙江嘉兴建设。中国闽台地区有闽台奇美PC,闽台台化出光PC,闽台盛禧奥(斯泰隆)PC等。
本公司长期供应日本帝人PC 以下型号:
PC 日本帝人 LE-1250 对机械强度有要求的零件
PC 日本帝人 LN-1010RM 阻燃V0,LEDs,Lighting Applications,反射镜; 阻燃,反射率高
PC 日本帝人 LN-1250G-BK 要求达到UL-940V-O级的电器、电子元件; 阻燃
PC 日本帝人 LN-2250Y 电器元件,通用; 低粘度,脱模性能良好,阻燃 V0
PC 日本帝人 LN-2250Z 电气元件; 低粘度,脱模性能良好,阻燃V0
PC 日本帝人 LS-2250 阻燃V2,结构元件; 低粘度,耐磨损性良好,脱模性能良好
PC 日本帝人 LV-2225Y BK 阻燃V0,一般用途; 低粘度,脱模性能良好
PC 日本帝人 LV-2225Z 阻燃V2,一般用途; 低粘度,耐气候影响性能良好,脱模性能良好
PC 日本帝人 LV-2250Y 阻燃V0,一般用途; 脱模性能良好,中等粘性
PC 日本帝人 LV-2250Z 阻燃V0,一般用途; 耐气候影响性能良好,脱模性能良好,中等粘性
PC 日本帝人 MH-3600HS
PC 日本帝人 ML-1105 照明设备,汽车行业; Good Light Diffusion
PC 日本帝人 ML-2203
PC 日本帝人 ML-3104ZHP 阻燃V2,溶脂8,透射率63%,雾度45%
PC 日本帝人 ML-3104ZLP 阻燃V2,溶脂18,透射率63%,雾度45%
PC 日本帝人 ML-3110ZHP 阻燃V2,溶脂18,透射率59%,雾度60%
PC 日本帝人 ML-3110ZLP 阻燃V2,溶脂18,透射率59%,雾度60%
PC 日本帝人 ML-3120ZHP 阻燃V2,溶脂8,透射率52%,雾度60%
PC 日本帝人 ML-3206ZT 阻燃V2,溶脂18,透射率85%,雾度17%
PC 日本帝人 ML-3210ZHP 阻燃V2,溶脂8,透射率80%,雾度24%
PC 日本帝人 ML-3210ZLP 阻燃V2,溶脂18,透射率80%,雾度24%
欢迎来到东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省东莞市樟木头镇百顺小区三巷5号,老板是蒋珂。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。