PP的综合性能优于PE料。PP产品质轻、韧性好、耐化学性好。PP的缺点:尺寸精度低、刚性不足、耐候性差、易产生“铜害”,它具有后收缩现象,脱模后,易老化、变脆、易变形。日常生活中,常用的保鲜盒就是由PP材料制成。为防止光老化需要在PP中加入紫外线吸收剂,它可将波290~400nm的紫外线吸收激化转化为没有破坏性的较长波长的光线。对于埋在土壤中或在室内避光使用的PP 塑料制品仅加入主辅抗氧剂即可,无须加入紫外线吸收剂。PP的收缩率和结晶度比PE低。PP对氧气、二氧化碳和水蒸汽都有一定的透过性,比起尼龙PA和聚酯PET都有明显差距,对于高阻隔性塑料,如PVDC、EVOH等就差得更多了。但与其它非塑料材料相比其气密性还是相当好的。通过添加阻隔性材料或在表面涂敷阻隔性塑料,可以提高其气密性。PP属于非极性聚合物,具有良好的电绝缘性,且PP吸水性较低,电绝缘性不会受到湿度的影响。PP的介电常数、介质损耗因数都很小,不受频率及温度的影响。PP的介电强度很高,且随温度上升而。这些都是在湿、热环境下对电气绝缘材料有利的。另一方面PP的表面电阻很高,在一些场合使用必须行抗静电处理
There are tertiary carbon atoms in PP molecules, which are easily broken and degraded under the action of light and heat. PP without stabilizer will become brittle when heated at 150 ℃ for more than half an hour or exed to sunlight for 12 days. PP powder without stabilizer will degrade seriously and emit obvious acid taste when stored indoors for 4 months. Adding more than 0.2% antioxidant before PP powder granulation can effectively prevent degradation and aging of PP during processing and use. Antioxidants can be divided into two categories: free radical chain reaction Terminator (also known as the main antioxidant) and peroxide decomition agent (also known as auxiliary antioxidant). The reasonable combination of the main and auxiliary antioxidants will play a good synergistic effect. If PP is cooled slowly in the air after leaving the die, it will produce larger grains and the transparency of the product is low
The production process of polypropylene has experienced several development stages, such as solvent method, solution method, liquid phase bulk method (including liquid phase gas phase combination type) and gas phase method. According to the classification, there are mainly the following categories: solvent method, solution method, liquid phase bulk method (including liquid phase gas phase combination formula) and gas phase method
PP has excellent chemical stability and is inert to most acids, bases, salts and oxidants. For example, it is stable in concentrated phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid, 40% sulfuric acid and their salts at 100 ℃. Only a few strong oxidants such as fuming sulfuric acid can change them. PP is a non-polar compound, which is very stable to polar solvents, such as alcohol, , aldehyde, ketone and most carboxylic acids, but it is easy to dissolve or swell in some non-polar organic solvents
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