晶宏塑胶有限公司坐落于樟木头镇塑胶城,我公司长期经营PBT基础创新,PBT 美国杜邦 , PBT 日本三菱工程 ,PBT 日本东丽 ,PBT 韩国LG , PBT 日本 ,PBT 荷兰 ,PBT 美国液氮,PBT 美国泰科纳 ,PBT 德国巴斯夫 ,PBT 德国朗盛 , 货源稳定,质量保证,原厂原包,假一罚十。可提供***、ROHS、UL黄卡、MSDS、FDA、COA、PDF物性表等各项数据,欢迎来电洽谈!
PBT processing technology: the fastest filling speed of PBT generally lengthens the process, which is suitable for filling thin-walled profiles and forms a good surface finish. For thick walled products, slow filling helps to reduce voids. When narrow gate is used in PBT, the filling speed of thick wall section should be reduced to help maintain pressure. For parts with small gate (needle shaped gate), programmed injection is recommended, Injection volume: the recommended injection volume is 35% ~ 85% of the machine capacity. For mixed brands with strict color control, the injection volume should be close to 63% of the machine capacity, To reduce residence time
PBT速率 PBT冷却速度快,因此要采用较快的速率。
PBT is widely used in electronic and electrical fields, accounting for 50% of the total production of PBT: Computer / electrical connector, contactor, coil framework, connector, relay, fuse, regulator, temperature control switch, temperature control protector, decorative lamp holder, switch socket, induction cooker chassis, heater outlet, radiator fan wing, transformer coil framework, high voltage and high current Voltage break switch framework, computer fan, energy-saving lamp cap, electrical switch, electronic ballast , hair dryer, electric oven, rice cooker, microwave oven, water pump accessories and electric tool accessories, etc.; the application of PBT in automobile field accounts for 30% of the total production of PBT; it is mainly used for distributor cover, rotor, ignition coil cover, wiring terminal and transmission of high-voltage contactless igniter Sensor box, front and rear lamp holder, integrated circuit box, micro motor back cover, air-conditioning fan, etc. the application of PBT communication field accounts for 20% of the total production of PBT. It is mainly used in the integrated module, wiring board, capacitor and antenna sheath of program-controlled telephone
欢迎来到东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省东莞市樟木头镇百顺小区三巷5号,老板是蒋珂。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。