POM 911P杜邦---Specification level: injection molding products
Application: thin meat molding products with more molding points and less filling. It is suitable for engineering products. Due to the increase of crystallinity, the risk of pores in thin-walled products is reduced.
Note: processing characteristics: Delrin 900p has excellent molding characteristics with high fluidity and low viscosity. The product is similar to the Delrin 500, but has slightly lower tensile elongation and impact strength. It has the advantages of low shrinkage, oil resistance, the same thermal property, and the molding cycle is shortened by 5% - 15%, with good mechanical properties, better dimensional stability, fatigue resistance and creep resistance
规格级别: 注塑产品
用途: 较多模穴与较不易填充的薄肉成型品。适合工程制品,由于结晶度的提高,又降低了薄壁制品产生孔隙的危险。
备注说明: 加工特性:高流动性低黏度表面经润滑树脂,DELRIN 900P有优异的成型特性。产品与DELRIN 500相近,但稍微低的拉伸延伸率和冲击强度。 收缩率低,耐燃油,热定性相同delrinp,成型周期缩短5%-15%,机械性能好,尺寸稳定性更好,耐疲劳,耐蠕变
911P 物性表
其它性能 | 额定值 | 单位 | 测试方法 |
挠曲系数 (23℃) | 3220 | MPa | ASTM D-790 |
物理性能 | 额定值 | 单位 | 测试方法 |
模收缩 | 2.2-2.4 | % | |
吸水量 | | | ASTM D-570 |
(浸渍平衡点) | 0.90 | % | |
(50%相对湿度) | 0.22 | % | |
比重 | 1.42 | | ASTM D-792 |
吸水量 (24小时浸渍) | 0.25 | % | ASTM D-570 |
机械性能 | 额定值 | 单位 | 测试方法 |
拉伸强度 (100℃) | 36 | MPa | ASTM D-638 |
抗剪强度 (23℃) | 66 | MPa | ASTM D-732 |
压缩应力 (23℃,10%变形) | 121 | MPa | ASTM D-695 |
抗拉伸冲击强度 (长试片23℃) | 250 | KJ/m | ASTM D-1822 |
拉伸强度 (23℃) | 69 | MPa | ASTM D-638 |
破裂点拉伸变形量 (70℃) | 180 | % | ASTM D-638 |
挠曲疲劳忍耐限度 (50%RH,23℃,106周期) | 32 | MPa | ASTM D-671 |
弹性系数 (23℃) | 3640 | MPa | ASTM D-638 |
IZOD冲击强度 (缺口-40℃) | 55 | J/m | ASTM D-256 |
负载变形量 (140kg/cm2,50℃) | 0.5 | % | ASTM D-621 |
拉伸强度 (-55℃) | 101 | MPa | ASTM D-638 |
挠曲系数 (100℃) | 1030 | MPa | ASTM D-790 |
压缩应力 (23℃,1%变形) | 35 | MPa | ASTM D-695 |
拉伸强度 (122℃) | 26 | MPa | ASTM D-638 |
洛氏硬度R | 120 | | ASTM D-785 |
IZOD冲击强度 (23℃) | 71 | J/m | ASTM D-256 |
挠曲系数 (70℃) | 1720 | MPa | ASTM D-790 |
洛氏硬度M | 94 | | ASTM D-785 |
欢迎来到东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省东莞市樟木头镇百顺小区三巷5号,老板是蒋珂。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。