PA6 73M30 NC010---由于PA6尼龙塑料很容易吸收水分,因此加工前的干燥特别要注意,如果材料是用防水材料包装供应的,则容
Density: 1.35 -- g / cm? ISO 1183
Shrinkage: ISO 294-4
Vertical flow direction 0.90 --% ISO 294-4
Flow direction: 0.90 --% ISO 294-4
Water absorption ISO 62
23°C, 24 hr, 2.00 mm6.3--%ISO 62
Balanced, 23 ° C, 2.00 mm, 50% RH 2.1 --% ISO 62
Viscosity 145 -- cm 3 / g ISO 307
Mechanical properties - unit system test method after drying and adjustment
Tensile modulus 4800 1700 MPa ISO 527-2
Tensile stress (fracture) 82.0 55.0 MPa ISO 527-2
Tensile strain (fracture) 15.40% ISO 527-2
Tensile creep modulus ISO 899-1
1 hr--1180MPaISO 899-1
1000 hr--740MPaISO 899-1
Bending modulus 4800 1800 MPa ISO 178
Impact performance - unit system test method after drying and adjustment
Notched impact strength of simply supported beams ISO 179 / 1ea
-30°C3.53.5kJ/m²ISO 179/1eA
23°C5.511kJ/m²ISO 179/1eA
Notchless impact strength of simply supported beams ISO 179 / 1eu
-30°C8585kJ/m²ISO 179/1eU
23 ° C 110 kJ / M 2 no fracture ISO 179 / 1eu
Notched impact strength of cantilever beam ISO 180 / 1A
-30°C4.0--kJ/m²ISO 180/1A
23°C5.59.0kJ/m²ISO 180/1A