东丽PPS A503---Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) is a new type of high-performance thermoplastic resin, which is a crystalline polymer. The unstressed fiber has a large amorphous region (crystallinity is about 5%), crystallization exothermic occurs at 125 ℃, the glass transition temperature is 93 ℃, and the melting point is 281 ℃. In the process of drawing, the crystallinity of the drawn fiber can be increased to 60-80% by heat treatment at 130-230 ℃. Therefore, there is no obvious crystallization exothermic phenomenon after drawing, and its melting point is 284 ℃. With the increase of crystallinity after drawing heat setting, the density of the fiber increases accordingly, from 1.33g/cm3 before drawing to 1.34g/cm3 after drawing, and it can reach 1.38g/cm3 after heat treatment.
A503 物性表
基本性能 | 额定值 | 单位 | 测试方法 |
吸水率 | 0.02 | % | ASTM D-570 |
物理性能 | 额定值 | 单位 | 测试方法 |
成形收缩率 | | | 东丽法 |
| 0.25 | % | |
| 0.80 | % | |
流动长 (320℃,98MPa,1mm厚) | 180 | ×10-3m | 东丽法 |
比重 | 1.55 | | ASTM D-792 |
机械性能 | 额定值 | 单位 | 测试方法 |
摩擦系数 (对钢) | 0.22 | | ASTM D-1894 |
断裂强度 | 75 | | ASTM D-732 |
拉伸强度 | 2.2 | % | ASTM D-638 |
硬度 | 120 | 洛氏 | ASTM D-785 |
摩耗 | 45 | mg/1000回 | ASTM D-1044 |
冲击强度 | | | ASTM D-256 |
| 130 | J/m | |
| 30 | kj/m | |
弯曲强度 | 205 | MPa | ASTM D-790 |
弯曲弹性体 | 10.0 | GPa | ASTM D-790 |
限界PV值 | 900 | kj/m.hr | 东丽法 |
引张强度 | 155 | MPa | ASTM D-638 |
电气性能 | 额定值 | 单位 | 测试方法 |
诱电率 (106Hz) | 3.8 | | ASTM D-150 |
诱电正接 (106Hz) | 0.002 | | ASTM D-150 |
耐电弧性W电级 | 127 | 秒 | ASTM D-495 |
绝缘破坏电压 | 15 | MV/m | ASTM D-149 |
体积固有抵抗 | 10 | Ω.m | ASTM D-257 |
热性能 | 额定值 | 单位 | 测试方法 |
热变形温度 (1.82MPa) | >260 | ℃ | ASTM D-648 |
线膨张系数 | | | ASTM D-696 |
| 2.9 | ×10-5/K | |
| 3.4 | ×10-5/K | |
燃烧性 | V-0 | | UL-94 |
融点 | 278 | ℃ | DSC |

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