LG化学成立于1947年,属于LG集团旗下子公司。公司总部位于韩国首尔,是韩国代表性的化学企业 。LG化学在、美洲、欧洲、澳洲拥有43家子公司 。事业涵盖石油化工、电池、材料、生命科学领域,并将能源、水、生物作为未来新事业发展的核心。
2019年7月22日,《财富》世界**排行榜发布,LG化学位列*490位 。
2019年7月29日,美国《化学与工程新闻》(C&EN)发布一期**化工企业50强名单,LG化学位列*十 。
2020年1月,英国咨询公司Brand Finance发布《2020年**化工排行榜》,LG化学***四
At the same time, in the process of expanding the plastic industry, LG Group established LG Electronics in 1958 and produced the first vacuum tube radio A-501 in Korea in 1959, which opened a new era of Korean electronic industry and set up the first comprehensive electronic products factory in South Korea. With this, LG Group has laid the foundation of its two pillar chemical and electrical and electronic industries in the 1950s, playing a leading role in the development of Korean industry.
In 1962, LG Group established Korea cable industry (now LG cable), expanding the field of electrical and electronic industry. In 1967, LG Group established Hunan oil refining (now GS Caltex), the first private oil refinery in South Korea, and entered the field of basic raw material industry, laying a foundation for its march into heavy chemical industry. In addition, Rohi chemical (now LG Chemical) produced the earliest synthetic detergent "Haitai" in Korea in 1964, and also produced kitchen detergent and liquid shampoo "shampoo" in 1967
Plastic treatment: the water absorption rate of PC plastic raw materials is large, and it must be preheated and dried before processing. The pure PC should be dried at 120 ℃ and the modified PC should be dried at 110 ℃ for more than 4 hours. The drying time should not exceed 10 hours. Generally, the air extrusion method can be used to judge whether the drying is sufficient. The proportion of recycled materials can reach 20%. In some cases, recycled materials can be used, and the actual amount depends on the quality requirements of the product. The recycled materials should not be mixed with different color masterbatch at the same time, otherwise the properties of the finished product will be seriously damaged.
LG Group has set up 31 research centers in 6 countries in the world, and the investment in scientific research and development has accounted for 5% of the group's total revenue. Through overseas research institutions, LG Group's scientific research institutions in Chicago, San Jose and San Diego in the United States, Sendai in Japan, dusseff in Germany and Dublin in Ireland are making great efforts to carry out various scientific research activities with high scientific research equipment, so as to realize the early arrival of high-tech society
欢迎来到东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省东莞市樟木头镇百顺小区三巷5号,老板是蒋珂。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。