

  • 8
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 广东省 东莞市 樟木头镇 百果洞社区 百顺小区三巷5号
  • 姓名: 蒋先生
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


    PA6 B3ZG6原料供应

  • 所属行业:塑料 通用/工程塑料 工程塑料
  • 发布日期:2020-09-11
  • 阅读量:190
  • 价格:20.00 元/千克 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:9999.00 千克
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:广东东莞樟木头  
  • 关键词:PA6,B3ZG6原料

    PA6 B3ZG6原料供应详细内容

    东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司销售纯树脂耐高温PA6,加纤耐高温PA6,阻燃耐高温PA6,无卤阻燃耐高温PA6,抗紫外线PA6,加纤抗紫外线PA6,自熄阻燃耐高温PA6,食品级PA6,质料级PA6;供应品牌:基础创新塑料/PA6、美国杜邦/PA6、日本三菱工程/PA6、法国罗地亚/PA6、日本东丽/PA6、日本东洋纺织/PA6、日本宇部/PA6、 德国DOMO/ PA6、德国朗盛/PA6、德国巴斯夫/PA6、荷兰/ PA6等、品种齐全,原厂原包,量大从优!
    PA6 B3ZG6原料供应
    PA6 B3ZG6原料供应
    Application in daily necessities: Asia Pacific International polyamide gss fiber reinforced material has good dimensional stability and low warpage, solderability and paint baking property, easy to spray, can pass ultrasonic welding, good gloss, can be dyed into various bright colors, textile machinery industrial equipment, zero fog material, daily necessities and packaging film.
    PA6 B3ZG6原料供应
    The chemical and physical properties of PA6 are simir to that of PA66. However, its melting point is low and the process temperature range is wide. Its impact resistance and solubility are better than PA66, but its hygroscopicity is also stronger. Because many quality characteristics of pstic parts are affed by hygroscopicity, it should be fully considered when using PA6 to design products. In order to improve the mechanical properties of PA6, various modifiers are often added. Gss fiber is the most coon additive, sometimes in order to improve the impact resistance of synthetic rubber, such as EPDM and SBR. For products without additives, the shrinkage of PA6 is between 1% and 1.5%. The addition of gss fiber additive can reduce the shrinkage to 0.3% (but it is slightly higher in the dirion perpendicur to the process).

    PA processing due to iature technology can reduce the product, or can not meet the product requirements after molding, so some technical personnel of our company soe the processing technical problems for customers, because of the different model performance of PA6, the price will be different, so the online price is only reference price, the actual price please consult online or call to negotiate! Jinghong pstic will serve you wholeheartedly!
    欢迎来到东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省东莞市樟木头镇百顺小区三巷5号,老板是蒋珂。 主要经营晶宏塑胶原料有限公司长期低价供应各种品牌,各种系列,各种型号的塑料原料。**保证质量,物美价优。欲要了解更多的详情,请在本网页留言或者通过电话联系我,金红塑料将本着诚信为本,客户至上的原则竭力为您提供较优质的服务。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。 本公司产品好,产业规模属国内水平高,产品具有特色,规格比较齐全,质量保证体系规范。欢迎来订购,谢谢!