Plastic has good insulation to electricity, heat and sound: electrical insulation, arc resistance, thermal insulation, sound insulation, sound absorption, vibration absorption and sound elimination. Most of the plastic raw materials are extracted from some oils, and the most familiar part of PC materials are extracted from petroleum. PC materials have a smell of rotten flowers and fruits when burned, and there are charcoal molecules; ABS is extracted from coal, and ABS will be soot like when burned out, and POM is extracted from natural gas, POM will have a very smelly smell when it is burned out, white smoke.
Flame retardant PP brief description: Flame Retardant PP plastic material is a high molecular polymer of propylene, it came out late, and it was not put into industrial production until 1957. Because of the rich raw materials, it is cracked at high temperature.
透明级PP介绍(RANDOM COPOLYMER) 随机共聚合物,系丙烯添加乙烯共聚合,乙烯不规则散布在聚合物中,主要减少聚合物的结晶度进而改善透明性
拉丝级PP说明:拉丝级聚丙烯(PP YARN)指的是融流指数在2-5左右的均聚聚丙烯原料,可用来拉丝的原料。主要用途是做太空袋,编织袋,文具片材,渔网等。
热封级PP(TERPOLYMER) 是随机共聚合物的延伸,一般丙烯含乙烯(非EPR)含量在3.5%,但也有制程可添加至5%,乙烯含量越高产品越柔软,热变型温度、软化点、热封温度越低,有时为了要增加乙烯含量要藉助丁二烯或其它*三成份成为三共聚合物以达上述物性要求。