出光PPS C-140SC---PPS has high heat resistance in thermoplastic resin. It can be used at 210-235 ℃ for a long time, and can withstand 265 ℃ for a short time. It has no mass loss in NZ or air at 400 ℃. It is completely degraded in 700 ℃ air. However, it still keeps 40% of its original mass in inert gas at 1000 ℃. Its heat resistance is far beyond that of engineering plastics such as PA and pet. Its weather resistance is also very excellent, in the atmosphere is not easy to aging. PPS has excellent rigidity and hard surface. It is a kind of special engineering plastics with metal properties. Its tensile strength is 76.4 MPa at room temperature and 34.4 MPa at 200 ℃, which is equivalent to the tensile strength of polypropylene at room temperature. At the same time, it also has excellent creep resistance and fatigue resistance, low molding shrinkage and good dimensional stability. The adhesion of the coating is far greater than that of epoxy coating which is famous for its good adhesion.
出光PPS C-140SC--物理性能额定值单位制测试方法
密度1.65g/cm³ISO 1183
收缩率 1ISO 294-4
垂直流动方向0.70%ISO 294-4
流动方向0.40%ISO 294-4
吸水率 (23°C, 24 hr)> 0.020%ISO 62
洛氏硬度 (M 计秤)103ISO 2039-2
拉伸应力184MPaISO 527-2
拉伸应变 (断裂)1.7%ISO 527-2
弯曲模量14500MPaISO 178
弯曲应力280MPaISO 178
简支梁无缺口冲击强度12kJ/m²ISO 179
热变形温度 (1.8 MPa, 未退火)272°CISO 75-2/A
线形热膨胀系数ISO 11359-2
流动1.6E-5cm/cm/°CISO 11359-2
横向5.0E-5cm/cm/°CISO 11359-2